
Services include working with your existing video or helping you create something from scratch. Either way, see the descriptions and sample videos below to get an idea of how we can help.


Intros, OUtros, Motion Graphics

This is a small collection of Intros and Outros, Motion Graphics and Music tracks. Just to give you some ideas. Very often our clients have done a video and now want to upgrade it a bit by adding things like these.

Intros tell the viewer what is coming, and who you are. Outros remind them who you are, and often include an ask; “Click Subscribe Below”, or “Click to Learn More”. These can help establish your name or brand with a consistent of professional look. 

Motion graphics allow for a more enjoyable viewing experience, but, like animations, need to be used sparingly. Overuse of these may cause viewer fatigue.

Animation, highlighting and data blurring

Adding some movement to a video can have great impact. Drawing the eye of the viewer to the area of interest by zooming in, drawing around it, or highlighting with color or text is easy if done right.

Data security demands that you be a careful steward of the data on your screen. Any personal or proprietary data should be blurred or cropped out. I can help with that.

Some examples are shown in video above.

Audio Enhancements; noise, Clarity & Volume

It may not be intuitively obvious, but sound is a really important part of your video project. The audio track is the foundation of your video, so take the time to do it well.It doesn't need to be Hollywood sound stage perfect, but it should be clear and easy to hear. 

If you have a completed project that has poor audio it may be able to be salvaged. I can enhance audio tracks by eliminating noise, filtering out ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’, and increasing clarity and volume.

Want a more professional voice actor to read your script? I can help with that as well.

See the example above.